
9 2024

Chavurat Tefilah Children's Program

11:00AM - 1:30PM  

The Chavurat Tefilah Synagogue in Winnipeg’s quiet West Kildonan neighborhood is excited to
announce that it is launching a children’s Jewish learning program known as “Chavurah
Children’s Club”!
Primary program teacher/leader Anita Gilman says “Our goal is to provide a fun and engaging
environment to build a foundation of Jewish Holidays and an introduction to the Hebrew
Language through games, crafts, music, and reading”.
Over the last several years, we have seen many synagogues and congregations migrate or close
in the Winnipeg area. There is currently no programming for children’s Jewish education in our
neighbourhood, and the Sever Oaks School Division no longer offers any Hebrew Bilingual
Programs as well. Winnipeg School Division only provides a Hebrew Bilingual Program with
Jewish Education at one school in the South end of the city,
Our initial plan is to start a program for children aged 6 to 12. The Chavurah Children’s Club
(Chavurah CC) will meet once a week on Sundays, running from September to June. As we try to
build the program, there will be no charge to participants, with a long term goal of having
separate groups by age, and a possible expansion into a second additional evening program as
Join us for our Meet & Greet program Sunday, June 9th at the Chavurat Tefilah Synagogue (459
Hartford Ave) from 11:00am to 1:30pm! Children, Parents, and Grandparents are all welcome.
Please be sure to share the details with your friends and family!
This Meet & Greet event will include: a sample of our programming from 11am to noon, a
kosher BBQ snack from noon to 12:30pm, and an additional hour of programming from
12:30pm to 1:30pm.
The Chavurah CC is open to all families, no synagogue membership required. We are committed
to providing at least one year of this free program, and hope to continue the program at no
charge to families.
Please register by phone at 204.997.4500, email at chavurahcc@outlook.com or through our
automated online form at https://rb.gy/psjd9d (see QR Code) by June 5 with the number of
people attending and names of children participating in the day’s programming.