
10 2020

Beit Chayim: “Critical Conversations about Race and the Jewish Community”

7:00PM - 8:15PM  

Congregation Etz Chayim 1155 Wilkes Ave.
Winnipeg, MB

Contact Claudia Griner

“Critical Conversations about Race and the Jewish Community”

Facilitated by Jessica Cogan, Laurelle A. Harris & Rabbi Kliel

Course Description:

With an increase in awareness due to the recent and unfortunate deaths of several people of color and indigenous folks, in Canada and the United States, many Canadians have expressed a desire to learn more about the history of systemic and structural racism in our country.

This is a difficult and complex topic that can be traumatic for people of all racial backgrounds to confront and discuss. As a result, Congregation Etz Chayim felt it would be very important to initiate a discussion group focusing on learning about racial justice at our own synagogue as a way to bring education to a place of comfort to our members, who are majority White but not exclusively so. 

This is by no means an exhaustive study, but rather, a first step in helping us to mitigate against our own personal and communal systemic racism. This includes the role of race within our own Jewish community, as well as within the larger general community of Winnipeg.

Although it is not a requirement for participants to attend all of the sessions, it is strongly encouraged as each session will build on the previous week’s discussion.

Register in advance for this meeting: