Mental Health Clinic for Youth in Israel

In January 2022, Coast to Coast received an urgent cry for financial aid from the Mental Health Clinic for Youth in Kiriyat Shmona, a satellite of Ziv Hospital in Tsfat. Throughout the pandemic, this clinic was experiencing a vastly elevated need for their services to help youth with anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders. A sharp increase in decline of mental health as a direct result of the stress and pressures our youth faced from the pandemic. This clinic uses a unique holistic approach for treatment, through education, social skill development, private therapy, group therapy, and in some cases dieticians. However, the infrastructure of the clinic was falling apart, there wasn’t enough funding to match the demand for clinic hours and youth were being turned away and required to drive over an hour for treatment in Tsfat.

After Coast to Coast was informed of this crisis, $250,000 was raised in just 10 days, $58,000 of which came from Winnipeg’s generous donors.

This funding will allow the clinic to function at full capacity for 3 years.


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